
Diondre Borum (Founder & Team Member)

Back Story:

I was Born and raised in a small town of Statesville NC, when I was younger I always had a passion for skateboarding. When I was in 5th grade My mother bought me my first skateboard. It was a Mongoose, I didn’t really know how to do any tricks really at the time other than a small ollie and 2-3 second manual. The board was mainly used for transportation at the time. But ever since that day I’ve been getting better over the years. As time went on, I stopped skateboarding to pursue computer hardware engineering. It was fun at the time while I was in high school learning how to create PC’s but overtime it never gave me the fulfillment that skateboarding always had. But as I got older around year 2020 I decided to get back on the board and get back at it. Ever since then I never stopped improving my skills. I created this brand to spread the love and joy of skateboarding itself. It’s one of the few only sports that kept me going in my darkest of times…

Francisco Beltran

Back Story: How I got started skateboarding

I was 10 when my brother got his first board and I seen him skate around and it caught my attention. I asked him could I try it and the moment I stepped on the board I regretted it, I fell and started crying and never ever thought about trying it again. Life went on I picked back up in soccer and was playing adult league, I was getting paid to play soccer, the sport I loved the most,

sadly I tore my meniscus and had to get surgery. 8 months of recovery and all I could think about was soccer. Once I was completely healed I was too scared to play soccer and injure myself again so I let it go. Time went by, I was 27 years old and my nephew was around 10 -12 years old and out of nowhere he told me he wanted to get into skateboarding. Funny thing is the moment he said that, that memory came up in my head of me falling and crying. He showed me videos and was so excited.

I decided to get him a cheap skateboard online for his birthday and he got so excited we went outside together and rode it. I tried showing him how to ride. Man I went home that day and couldn’t stop thinking about riding the board. And that’s where I knew I wanted to skate. I started learning super quick and now I can’t stop skating. Started at 27years old and now 30, I love it and love the community. Super supportive.

Wes Huber

Back Story: N/A

RadZilla Skateboards is currently in development of creating a very diverse and unorthodox skateboarding team.